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From Alphabets to Anime: Best Japanese Flashcards to Learn for Free

Masha Koltsova
Masha Koltsova
Writer and Researcher
September 22, 2024
10 min read

Learning Japanese as a language with a completely different structure and unique sounds can be overwhelming. But studying with pre-made Japanese flashcards will help you master the language more quickly and, most importantly, сreate a learning habit.

Japanese Course Based on Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide & Anime

If you’re one of those people who started learning Japanese out of a love for anime — great! That gives you some extra motivation. You’ll definitely enjoy this deck of anki Japanese flashcards, as it features anime-themed images to make learning even more fun. Anime characters help you form associations with various grammatical rules, making the process more engaging.

With over 200 cards, there’s quite a bit to learn, but these rules are essential for everyday conversations, so don’t skip this deck!

Start studying: Japanese Course Based on Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide & Anime 

Japanese Basic Hiragana

One of the most challenging and surprising aspects of the Japanese language is that it has not one, but three alphabets: Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana. The foundational alphabet is Hiragana. 

Japanese is a syllabic language, meaning alphabets comprise syllables rather than individual letters and sounds. This can be a bit confusing for those who haven’t encountered a syllabic language before.

This anki Japanese deck focuses on Hiragana. If you’re a complete beginner, start by learning it just as Japanese children do—through repetition. There are 46 cards in this deck, one for each syllable. 

Start studying: Japanese Basic Hiragana

Japanese Katakana 

Once you’ve mastered Hiragana, it’s time to move on to Katakana. Katakana was specifically developed to represent foreign sounds and words that don’t fit neatly into traditional Japanese, which is why you’ll notice many sounds and combinations that resemble those from English, French, and other languages. Using Japanese flashcards will help make the memorization process smoother and more engaging.

This particular deck includes 104 flashcards, each with audio recordings that pronounce the corresponding symbol, making it easier for you to learn Japanese flashcards and master Katakana’s visual and auditory aspects.

Start studying: Japanese Katakana

Basic Japanese Vocabulary 

When you finish the alphabet one of the hardest parts is behind you. You can start reading and learning basic vocabulary with the help of Japanese anki flashcards. Starting from the spelling of the simplest words like «Tokyo», «you» and «family» this deck helps you to get used to the Japanese writing system and start reading basic phrases. 

There are 566 cards in the deck. For sure, after learning with anki flashcards you will feel more confident if you find yourself in Japan — at least you will be able to read the signs on the streets. 

Start studying:  Basic Japanese Vocabulary

Short Japanese Phrases for Travel 

If you want to stroll around Tokyo’s streets and actually talk to people, you’ll need this deck. It contains 63 phrases that you’re likely to need as a beginner learner.

With these Japanese flashcards, you’ll remember how to say “I don’t speak Japanese,” “Do you speak English?”, and “Where is the bathroom?” You’ve reached the survival level of Japanese and can be proud of yourself!

Start studying: Short Japanese Phrases for Travel

Japanese Food and Dishes with Pictures

Sushi, rice, and hundreds of types of fish — Japanese cuisine is amazing and so unlike any other! If you are learning the language you already know that food is an extremely important part of the culture.  And, of course, sushi is just the tip of the iceberg, there are many more culinary wonders. 

This deck of Japanese flashcards with food and dishes invites you to begin your journey of learning this country’s cuisine.  The deck contains not only pictures but also a description of the dish or the product.

Start studying: Japanese Food and Dishes with Pictures

Japanese Counters, Dates and Time

Sometimes simple phrases are more challenging to memorize. With this anki Japanese deck, you will learn how to ask what time is it, understand the answer, and will feel confident in talking about different countries. 

Each card has audio so you will be sure how to pronounce the phrase. 

Start studying: ​​Japanese Counters, Dates and Time 

Japanese Core 2000 Step 01 Listening Sentence Vocab + Images

To start speaking confidently one needs more vocabulary in active memory. Japanese flashcards with images will help you beat the forgetting curve and memorize the words easily.

Pictures help to activate mnemonic memory by associating visual representation with meaning and you will recall it much faster in the future. Repeat the words with anki flashcards every day and soon you will be able to discuss your favorite animes with native speakers. 

Start studying: Japanese Core 2000 Step 01 Listening Sentence Vocab + Images

Japanese Family Words 

Telling about yourself almost always includes mentioning your family and close ones.  These Japanese flashcards describe different family members: mom, father, grandkids, uncle, and so on.

The topic is quite easy to learn if you remember to practice, but knowing this vocabulary is crucial for being fluent in basic dialogues. 

Start studying: Japanese Family Words 

Tips on How to Learn Japanese Flashcards

Now, when you have so many Japanese decks to add to your Anki Pro account, here are some tips on how to take the most out of this experience.

💡 Focus on pronunciation from the beginning

Japanese pronunciation is straightforward because it’s mostly phonetic, but hard to learn for people who previously studied only European languages. You can use Japanese anki flashcards with text-to-speech features to remember how to pronounce new phrases and repeat them. Listen to podcasts and music and try to repeat what you hear. 

💡 Use spaced repetition algorithm

Spaced repetition is a proven method for enhancing memory retention by showing you cards just before you’re likely to forget them.  You can create personalized anki Japanese flashcard decks to practice the alphabet, grammar rules, and phrases and download pre-made decks specifically tailored for people who learn Japanese with flashcards. If you commit to learning daily and create your routine your vocabulary and fluency will increase quite fast. 

💡 Make flashcards as you watch anime or read 

Watch anime, dramas, or movies in Japanese with subtitles to get used to the flow of the language. Write down words you don’t know and make anki japanese flashcards to remember new vocabulary. There is a lot of content online for different levels of the language. Follow social media accounts in Japanese, find something you are interested in (like cooking or travel blogs), and try to understand the content.  

Now you’re all set to learn Japanese flashcards. Happy studying!

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