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Best MCAT Flashcard Decks 2024

Kai Ling Abang
Kai Ling Abang
January 18, 2024
4 min read

There are different ways to prepare for the MCAT exam. It comes as no secret that people always want to make the learning process fun. Electronic decks facilitate this. By using the flashcard method, you can achieve more impressive results in memorizing data that will remain in your memory for a long time. Flashcards allow you to memorize foreign words, historical dates, definitions and formulas by heart and for a long time. This memorization system is used at school, in college, and also in adult life.

How to Prepare Properly for the MCAT?

Let’s start with the fact that the MCAT exam constitutes a moderately difficult test since it includes more than just basic knowledge within specific disciplines. To pass it effectively, total preparation and mastery of at least such subjects as biology, chemistry, physics, and psychology are essential. Therefore, it is vital to focus on immersion in these sciences.

Features of MCAT Preparation

Anyone can take the MCAT. However, the exam result will depend entirely on the preparation and self-control of the individual: moral readiness for the trip and radically different conditions. This milestone is available to everyone without exception.

  1. Attending additional in-depth courses in specialized subjects. To successfully pass the exam, you must master subjects at the 1st-2nd year level of a college or university. In addition, it is important to have a certain practical and theoretical basis.
  2. Attending online courses from MCAT developers and organizers. Keep in mind that registration for them is preliminary and the services are paid. Besides, the preparatory process takes place in the form of offline classes, webinars, video lessons, electronic lectures, and reviews.
  3. Hiring a tutor. Enlist the help of a specialist in chemistry, biology, physics, social/humanities, and other natural sciences.
  4. Careful study of demo versions of tests. You can find examples and samples of test options on the official website of the organizers. Go through variants of tasks from previous years, look at reviews of their solutions and study archival materials.

Meanwhile, self-education, motivation, self-discipline, and responsibility play an important role in the outcome of the exam. Use a modern resource AnkiPRO to study lots of disciplines and prepare for the MCAT exam. Here, you will find plenty of informative decks that will assist you in preparing for this test. So, if a student does not shirk his/her studies, and is intensively engaged not just in cramming but also in scientific activities, then success will be guaranteed.

Top MCAT Decks 2024

The service AnkiPRO will provide indispensable assistance in preparing for the MCAT exam. Preparing for the MCAT requires a lot of hard work, but it doesn’t have to be hard on your budget. On the platform, you will find study materials that best suit your needs as you work to achieve your medical school goals. Here’s the top MCAT decks for 2024.

MCAT General Chemistry

General chemistry grasp is the basis for working in medical professions such as pharmacist, biochemist, or medicinal chemist. These specialists use their knowledge of chemistry to create new drugs and medical technologies. The MCAT exam tests your knowledge of general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, general biology, physics, sociology, and psychology. In this deck, you will find 186 useful flashcards needed for learning general chemistry.

MCAT Math Equations

Often doctors are faced with general problems formulated in medical terms to help the patient, they do not bring ready-made problems and equations that need to be solved. When properly applied, the mathematical approach does not differ significantly from the approach based simply on common sense. Knowing how to solve complex equations is very helpful in solving equation problems. There are approximately 65 notes here.

MCAT Biology

The study of biology is important for training a doctor of any specialty. Knowledge of parasitology, genetics, cytology and molecular biology often helps to diagnose the disease and provide effective care to the patient. The development and achievements of genetic engineering provide a number of drugs. The presented deck contains 285 notes.

MCAT Sociology

Medicine and sociology are increasingly moving closer both at the level of solutions to theoretical problems of medicine and at the level of applied, specific research. The presented deck contains 240 notes. The grasp of sociology undoubtedly helps students pass the MCAT exam.

MCAT Physics

It is necessary for a future doctor to know physics, since relying on physical laws allows one to study the functioning of a living organism and explain normal physiological and pathological processes. Despite the complexity and interconnection of various processes in the human body, many of them are close to physical ones. This widely-used classic book helps MCAT students to be ready for the exam and understand 209 terms.

MCAT Vocab

Medical terms may be familiar to doctors, as most of them are derived from Latin words. By the way, knowledge of Latin can help doctors master a large number of English words. When passing this unified exam, the student is required to know basic medical vocabulary. The flashcard deck contains about 2586 words needed for passing the exam.

MCAT Hormones

It goes without saying that hormones imply amazing chemical structures. Their molecules have such great potential that very small amounts of hormones are required to influence target cells, sometimes just a billionth of a gram. The variety of functions of hormones and their direct involvement in the functioning of the female body brings the need to study hormonal status to the forefront in any gynecological and endocrine disorders. To learn information about hormones, study this deck of 36 cards.

Anking MCAT Behavioral

Systemic Behavioral Approach implies a complete guide for those involved in psychotherapy and psychological counseling. Behavioral medicine emphasizes honest and clear communication between physician and patient in successfully treating any illness and maintaining optimal levels of physical and mental health. The presented deck contains 1510 notes.

Amino Acids (for MCAT)

Amino acids are the structural chemical units of proteins. The importance of amino acids for the body is determined by the enormous role that proteins play in all life processes. This deck has approximately 115 useful cards. The list will assist MCAT students in developing their preparing for an exam.

MCAT Biochemistry: Metabolism

It should be noted that metabolism implies the process by which your body turns the food you eat into energy. This energy is used or “burned” to support basic body functions such as breathing, circulation and nutrient absorption. The presented deck contains 69 notes.

Bottom Line

Do you want to pass the MCAT exam successfully? Then you will have to prepare diligently by studying various manuals. To diversify your learning, use the platform AnkiPRO. Registration on the portal is quite simple. It will help you do well on this standardized test, in which all questions are multiple choice.

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